Friday, January 5, 2007

A Little About Me

Well, I'm new to this blog stuff. So, I guess I'll start out by saying hello to everyone. I'm 29, was an alcoholic for 19 years, been sober for 20 days, woohoo for me. Make that 21, no 22 counting today. My sobriety date is December 14, the day after my son's birthday - so, can someone help me with the math?

It has been a tough road, but I am doing it one day at a time, as I have been told by my friends. They say that this is the only way you can do it. I quit cold turkey on my own, no AA, no rehab, no nothing but willpower. I have to do this for myself and no one else, but my family is a big motivating factor.

I am going through a difficult time right now in my life, because my wife is considering divorce, I guess she is considering it. I don't know how I'll react if that happens, hopefully I won't let it bring me down. I hope I'm strong enough to hold it together for her and my kids also.

I'm out to prove the WORLD wrong. I have said this so many times that I am going to get sober, that no one trusts me. But this time, I feel that I HAVE to do it. Just to get my self-esteem back and make myself a better person.

I love my kids and would do anything in the world for them, no matter what. I love my wife also very much, she is my backbone, my strength, and my rock, and the mother of my three babies.

Cravings and shakes SUCK. But, I guess that is part of it after you have drank for 19 years of your life.

I have no where to go but UP!!!


GUYK said...

Just hang in my can do it if you want it bad enough and you have everything to gain by doing it..and do it for YOU and the rest will fall where it may.

Editor said...

good luck
blogging is good for the soul.

tony said...

I found you via GUYK
Best Wishes
You Are Not Alone My Friend.

H2o said...

Welcome to blogging. I hope all goes well for you. My husband has been on and off the wagon for years. So I know where your coming from. I just hope your wife stays by your side. Good luck!

Grace said...

Hi there, welcome to blogging, I'm a few days behind you but doing it on my own too, it can be done and its good to have online support :-)