Well I got to work yesterday and it went good.
I did have a lot of temptation but didn't give in. I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and support.I know a saying that goes like this "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me." they may not hurt you physically but can do some damage mentally.
I have to do this for myself and no one else or I believe I will fail. I am going to do this for me first, and then maybe the rest will fall into place.
I am hoping I get to work some more in the future so that I can get my fine paid and help around the house. I had a long day at work yesterday, but I enjoyed it. It felt good to get out of the house and into the workforce world. I had several chances to fall but kept myself strong. I even went to my old watering hole and sat down with the guys and proudly drank Mountain Dew.

Well that is all for know, but I hope to keep you all up to date on my long and bumpy roar to recovery in my little red wagon.
Thanks again, for the helpful tugs on my wagon!