Went and done orientation and all that rigamarole, passed a drug test, ON MY OWN, nobody's help, FIRST TIME in my life!!!!! Pat, pat, pat on back.
It is third shift, but that is good for me, because I am a night owl anyway. But tonight is going to be rough because I have been up since 6:00 a.m. Hopefully, I can make it through the night without falling asleep. But, I believe I can do it because work will keep me busy, but I guarantee I will be dragging ass in the morning.
So, now that I have a third shift job, I will have to turn ringers off on the phone so those pesky bill collectors won't be calling and waking me p while I am trying to get some rest.
As for the weekend, Saturday we tackled the playroom. It looked like a pig sty with a tornado run through it, now there is actually a floor and our son has his bedroom back.
Sunday, I went and played basketball and held my own -- hoorah - not bad for a 30 year old playing against a bunch of high school kids. Watched the playoffs, my Saints lost, but my Colts won -- go COLTS!!!!!
Since we've got a lot to celebrate -- everyone get up and dance with me to this hit from the 80's.
Thanks for the tugs -- my little red wagon is running on nitro this week.