It's been a while since my last post. Not a whole lot going on on the wagon trail. Monday night I went to work, Tuesday night I went to work, Wednesday night I went to work, Thursday night I went to work. But Thursday night was hard.

To start off I got home Wednesday morning and didn't get in bed until around 11:30 a.m. It takes a while to unwind after a long nights work. But I figured this was fine because Thursday is dance night for the kids and I knew I wouldn't be bothered until after 7:00 p.m. But au contraire to my belief. I get a phone call at 2:00 pm and it was the Wife. I needed to get up and retrieve my kids from the school bus, because my mother in law wasn't able to make it to town. I asked her why and she said, cuz my Daddy is drunk and mama don't want to leave the SON with him in that condition. So I begrudgingly dragged myself out of bed so I could see my GIRLS wonderful faces getting off of the bus. They were so excited to see their Daddy and they came running to the house hollering my name.
I was still tired, so I got them in the house, gave them each a snack, G-Baby got Ravioli and Princess-F had cereal. I thought I could lay down and nap, but do you know how hard it is to nap with a 5 and 6 year old in the house. So, I stayed up until the wife got home and then she reminded me that I had to go to dance with her to film them while dancing. So we didn't get home until after 7:00 pm. By this time, I was wide awake. I laid down at 8:00, she brought the SON up at 8:30 and he kept me awake. So, up I got at 9:00 and said F*ck IT.
The moral of this story is...
Alcohol doesn't only effect the person drinking it, but all the people surrounding this. I never realized this until Thursday's situation occurred. So I understand better that my alcoholism affected me, others, family, friends. So a bad day and a good lesson learned.
Friday - normal.
Saturday - had a little excitement, I played my usual poker tournament and came in fourth out of ten, no payout, had a chance to triple up, I was dealt pocket J's and two chip leaders called my preflop all in, the flop came J-2-4, turn 3, river dreaded 5. I hate four card straights on the board, because I knew someone had to have called me with an Ace. I was ran over by the little wheel. When I got home my Wife informed me that one of my good friends had to go to the big house, being a concerned friend (codependent) I had to call and find out why. They took him for driving on suspended and possession. It cost 5,000 surety bond and $25 booking fee. No, I didn't go get him.
The silly thing was why his license was suspended. They were suspended on Friday or not enrolling in traffic school. I believe someone just had it out for him because he was never blue lighted he was called over by officer after he got out of his vehicle and was walking into a store. Whenever he got there the officer informed him of the suspension, cuffed him and stuffed him.
Today -- Grumpy because the Wife wouldn't let me sleep. She kept nagging, and nagging, and nagging until I finally got up and went to church with her. I guess I 'm glad that I got up and went to church because that is a good way to start your day - Topics were - Dont' be discouraged, don't delay, don't judge others. We came home and ate homemade veggie soup, instead of our traditional LJS.
After eating I went upstairs to watch University of Kentucky Basketball. I believe my Wildcats won, but am not for sure - I fell asleep.
I just checked we beat the VOLS 76-57 and we are ranked once again. Yee Haw!!!!!

Thanks for all the tugs keep them coming, one more day ridin' the wagon.
Got to eat a bite of supper and strap on them thar work boots.
Night shifts are tough but you get used to them and learn how to thing I learned when I was in the Air Force working the flight line..never and I mean never pass up a chance to get some sleep and never pass up a chance to go get something to eat..sometimes it would be a long time between both food and rest.
Yeah, booze is hard on more than just us drunks. But we have to be dry enough to realize it..and then use it as just one more reason to stay that way.
Good your getting some family time in...can you manage some time for yourself too?
The job will be hard at first but you know I'd rather be tired and strung out from workin than a hangover anyday...
Spending time with your family is important. Sounds like you had a great weekend.
All in all, ya did good.
Sounds like some good things going on in your life, with a job and a discovery.
Take care
Yes alcohol is a Family Disease. Thank God for Al-Anon. My sweety does not drink, yet when I was actively sick he would do insane things to keep my drunken black outs and other self harming behaviors a secret.
Growing up my alcoholic dad's life affected me. I walked on egg shells, and was deeply affected by the dz then. I am glad you are gaining more truth about this ugly dz, now the solution!
Keep on trudging!
keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!
Being sober is good. Good for everyone. Glad you are amongst the sober.
Sounds like you a one lucky fellow (for lots of reasons). Sobriety brings unimagineable things into our lives if we just stay sober. Amazing. Congrats!
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