Well I went and filled out all of the proper paperwork I needed to get the JOB process going today.
I have been having some bad thoughts lately because I am letting other people's comments get to me. I know I shouldn't but I have a hard time keeping my opinion not heard. I have a certain commenter on another site that is always criticizing me. I don't really care what he thinks, but the whole world can see what he says. I have to be able to take the good and bad criticism. I just have a hard time with the bad , but it does motivate me to keep my head held high . So that I can prove them all wrong.
One comment this person said was that my wife needed to get my children away from me. He heard the song Alyssa Lies on the radio and he said that he thought it reminded him of my children. He is so off key he don't even know what that song is about. I would never do any of those things to my children. I have to say with my head hung in shame that I have probably caused emotional or mental abuse, but never on purpose. I have only done this in my drunken state of mind.
I have a Mother in law that is also very critical of me. For instance today when I went and done my paperwork she said " He will only work a couple of months then he will fail." She is just looking out for her daughter I guess. She is very hard hearted, and I have done wrong to her daughter and grandkids. I am trying to do better for myself and no one else so who cares what every one else thinks. My mother in law is married to an alcoholic just like me, but I don't think we are the same. I have heard some stories on him that I don't think I would do, but we both do liked to drink. She fusses at me about my problem, but it is just fine and dandy that he drinks. He is a morning time drinker and has his own little get away spot. He does not drink in front of her so I guess you could say he is a closed door drinker. When he has had his fill he goes inside to a good hot home cooked meal watches a little T.V. Then he goes and takes a nap to sleep it off.

Well I am done ranting about others. I had a good day today. I played with my young'ns and we did some more dancing. This is kinda good exercise doing all the dances over and over. We all look silly I would say , but we have one hell of a good time. I think my age is catching up with me or I am just out of shape 'cause after two dances I was breathing heavy and sweating. I didn't know that I was in that bad of shape.
Thanks for listening to my rage as I yelled it from my wagon - keep on tugging, it helps.
You need to not read the comments from that person. It doesn't help you or your family, and it's opinions are worth little worry on your part.
Some people are only happy when they've caused someone hurt.
Keep dancing.
Yeah, you will get this kind of response from a lot of people that know you..and you will hear a lot of the "people never change" comments.
The one thing to always keep in mind is that what people think doesn't make a gotdam one way or the other..the only thoughts that count are yours. Sometimes I think that people such as those you describe actually want us to fall off the wagon so they can say "see, I told you so." I refused to give them that satisfaction and now all they can say is "he used to drink a lot." You can do the same..
Other blog? Do I know you?
OUr obsessions come in so many varieties. Blogging and commenting can be one of them :)
. . . A room full of 100 people and only 1 does not like us. 99 of them do. Why is it we focus on that one person. It is an art we get to learn to let go in recovery. :)
Hey I also got a comment on my blog that really pissed me off. But I knew that I was better than that. This person told me to stop blogging and go out and have a drink. It was one persons option. There is strength in numbers, we can't let the few get us down.
Go back and check out my Jan 14th post and his comments. For the first time years I didn't come out fighting. Like I said better than that.
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